1.Since I'm trying to make this a comprehensive guide, I may as well document some of my mistakes too.
2.Note that this book isn't a comprehensive guide to international finance - there are plenty of those available and this isn't one of them.
3.With your Freshers' Fair ticket, you can get your hands on a brand-new edition of the comprehensive guide to all things at Oxford.
4.The Search is probably the most comprehensive guide available on what to ask and what to consider when you are choosing a university.
5.A comprehensive guide on network security vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures across a variety of platforms.
6.This book is a comprehensive guide to the scientific and engineering principles of color imaging.
7.A comprehensive guide to the practice of search engine optimization for those unfamiliar with the subject.
8.This concise but comprehensive guide provides an effective and practical introduction to the full range of this terminology.
9.The Biblical World is a comprehensive guide to the contents, historical settings and social context of the Bible.
10.If you have your Freshers' Fair ticket, you will get a new and comprehensive guide which helps you to know all things at Oxford.